Core areas of work

At the center of our mission are three pillars that guide our efforts to create a just, inclusive, and equitable society. These long-term commitments ensure sustainable impact, regardless of the funding of specific projects.


Non-discrimination and equality

We stand for equity and inclusion by working to remove barriers that prevent people from fully enjoying their rights.
Our efforts are focused on:

● research to identify inequalities and develop evidence-based solutions● developing practical recommendations to improve legislative and institutional frameworks● developing resources and implementing training programs to provide the knowledge necessary to combat discrimination● working with stakeholders to promote and implement systemic change


Combating hate crimes and hate speech

We work to combat hate crimes and hate speech to protect vulnerable groups and bring about justice. Our activities include:

● developing legislative changes and policies to improve legal responses to hate crimes and hate speech● strategic litigation● training law enforcement and other stakeholders to respond effectively to manifestations of intolerance● responding to hate motivated international crimes


Business and human rights

Ми сприяємо підвищенню відповідальності та поваги до прав людини у бізнес-середовищі
Наша діяльність зосереджена на:

● Awareness-raising: working with businesses and stakeholders to understand their role in ensuring human rights● Developing tools: creating resources to help businesses meet human rights standards● Stakeholder engagement: establishing a dialogue between business, government and civil society to effectively address human rights issues.

Our Projects

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Supported by UNDP and the Government of Japan

Effective prosecution of international crimes motivated by intolerance

This project strengthens the capacity of Ukrainian prosecutors, judges, and civil society organizations to document and investigate international crimes committed with a motive of intolerance during the war.

The project is supported by the “Transformative Recovery for Human Security in Ukraine” project, implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine and funded by the Government of Japan.

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Business and human rights

Responsible business conduct for Ukraine's recovery

The project promotes the integration of the principles of responsible business (RBC) and human rights (BHR) into Ukraine's recovery. Participants: Swedwatch, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, OECD National Contact Point at the Ministry of Economy and Social Action Center.

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